It takes time to address the root causes of many health concerns. And we apply the time and expertise to help you do just that.
We review your Advanced Integrative Health Profile before our initial 2h meeting.
We develop a Personalized Comprehensive Therapeutic Plan.
As your therapy progresses, we will continue to work with you closely at follow-up consultations, making step-by-step adjustments and assessing for best safety and efficacy of your regime.
We also help you navigate through the traditional healthcare system, and advocate along the way.
This is an extraordinary clinician-person partnership, where you have a health expert, advocate and health coach all in one!
The perfect personalized recipe to help identify, then achieve, your unique vision for vitality!
There's often more than meets the eye -
This is a comprehensive 20-page questionnaire created by Tara Maltman-Just with her special focus on "treating the person, not just the disease".
It is intended to help us guide your initial consultation and ensure that no hidden stone is left unturned.
You will be asked to complete and return this prior to your initial 2h consultation.
This is a detailed health action plan developed for you, with you and with your personal health goals in mind.
It includes an in-depth Written Report that may focus on any or all of the following:
All information included in this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended or suited to be a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified healthcare professional. This information should not be used to initiate any changes in medication, supplement, nutrition, lifestyle program or other treatment without supervised professional care.
Copyright 2013 Updated 2023. All rights reserved.