To deliver excellence in:
Comprehensive Health Consultations
• where time is taken to conduct an Advanced Integrative Health Profile & thorough Consultations
• where you are always treated as a person, not a disease
Integrative Medicine
• where leading-edge scientific research is combined with the understanding of conventional and complementary therapies to positively impact your body’s physiologic response
• where collaboration and communication with your healthcare team is esteemed
Personalized Therapeutic Planning
• where treatments are tailored to your goals and desires
• where you are enabled to embrace your vision for vitality
• where every interaction rests on a solid foundation of ethics, truth and the utmost integrity
• where service is delivered with professionalism and loyal
commitment to care
• where people are paramount
• where our environment, including its flora and fauna, are embraced
• where you and every individual is treated with respect, confidentiality and dignity, whatever season of health and life you are in
• where leading-edge research and dedication to advanced learning allow us to ‘find our limits, then exceed them’
We're all at different seasons in our life.
Like trees in a forest, we need the right foundation and the right formula to grow and flourish.
Regardless of what season you're in, you can improve your health and life today...
With a focus on treating the person, and not the disease, I'll work closely with you to uncover your unique biochemical background and provide you with personalized strategies for success.
In doing so, I hope to enable you to 'find your limits, then exceed them' and embrace your unique vision for vitality!
Toward Optimal Health,
Tara Maltman-Just, B.Sc.(Pharm), MS, ABAAHP, FAARFM
All information included in this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended or suited to be a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified healthcare professional. This information should not be used to initiate any changes in medication, supplement, nutrition, lifestyle program or other treatment without supervised professional care.
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