“In today's world of institutionalized health care, it is a saving grace, to know that someone, as caring and knowledgable as Tara Maltman-Just is, is available to attend to the specialized needs of others, who are often cast off by the limitations of our medical system.
I was one of those, who felt frustrated by the responses I was receiving from my own physician, who had thrown my array of symptoms into the post menopausal heap.
Fortunately, Tara was not dismissive but intuitive in her analysis and helped me determine the root of what was ailing me. The discovery of an auto immune disease was a shock to my system, but Tara helped me navigate through, to find a medication that agreed with my body and gleaned positive results.
For those of us who have atypical presentations and who crave real answers to our queries about our health - Tara treats her clients with tremendous empathy. Her knowledge base as a pharmacist, along with her extensive alternative training, places her in a cutting edge position, to assist those frustrated and feeling hopeless.
She understands the body and has a stellar background in pharmacological compounding and how to apply that information to solutions that help us on our journey to health.
Trustworthy and well educated, she serves as a driving force, helping others explore their health issues, which are often overwhelming.
She is open minded and not resistant to listening, to clients innate abilities to know their own bodies. Tara is there for those seeking TRUE help.”
~Harriet Berkal
“I cannot stress enough how amazing Tara Maltman-Just was with Troy and myself. For those who know me, I only recommend those I trust and hold the same values that I hold dearly.
Please view what she can offer any one of you, no matter what your health condition is.
She 'gets it' and has tremendous understanding.
Tara listens carefully to what a client truly needs, even if not necessarily expressed with the words the client is stating.
She is extremely personable and you gain trust immediately.
She is thorough in explaining exactly what the plan will do and generously answers complex issues in a manner to which you can understand.
When the system isn't working in your favour is when she shines her best."
~Anne Fountain
“Attention All Western Canadians:
Finally, a pioneer/entrepreneur who has decided to bring modern medicine to the centre of Canada where it has been sorely missing. Until now, much of what is offered by her could only be possible by travelling out of country or at least province to centres in Toronto or Vancouver.
All central situated Canadians should be thanking Tara for developing her incredible level of expertise and deciding to bring it to this part of the continent and sharing it with, what will be, a burgeoning demand; once people recognize it is available and that they need it...advancing age will help with this awareness and resultant search for alternative supports to our more traditional systems.
We all need the support to be healthy until we walk off the planet...we don't know about anyone else out there, but our immediate goal is healthy at 100...we'll upgrade our expectations as we get closer to that age as we have a few years to go.
Thanks Tara for sharing your life and skills with all of us....you are a winner of the first caliber!!!"
~The Weitzels
"I am so excited about my next phase. I enjoyed our meeting and
I am thoroughly jazzed about the therapeutic plan that you put together.
You are one of the biggest Godsends and Blessings in My Life!!
Keep up the outstanding work."
"Thank-you. I’ve been waiting for someone to help me this way for decades.
I’ve felt better than I have felt in over 15 years."
"Thanks again for your support.
My Doctor thought you gave great sound advice and was in total agreement with you."
"Thanks so much for your help in this last event.
I truly do not know what I would have done if I was unable to talk to you and with your guidance be confident."
"Dear Tara, A simple note to thank-you for your support and wise guidance as I navigate this difficult passage in life. You have made that which is overwhelming and confusing clearer, and with a sense of support.
Thanks for being that angel, that beacon of light.
I have always prayed for this day, this new beginning.
God Bless."
"Dear Tara, Thank you so much! It was a pleasure meeting you. You are such a genuine and caring individual.
You have my trust and respect."
"I wanted to personally thank you for the presentation last night.
It was extremely informative.
I really feel that your work fills a much-needed gap in our medical system.
Also, I liked the slides, etc. as they helped to connect with A LOT of information and the funny ones are a good break from an intense workshop. Although, your manner helps negotiate this in an easy way."
~Karen MacDonald
Congratulations to Winnipeg-based clinician Tara Maltman-Just ABAAHP FAARFM RPh, who is the first DOUBLE Award Winner in the 22-year history of the Commitment to Care and Service Awards, winning 2 awards in one year out of hundreds of applicants.
The Commitment to Care and Service Award in OVERALL PATIENT CARE was awarded to Tara Maltman-Just, who is the founder and executive clinician of Vitality Integrative Medicine.
The Commitment to Care and Service Award in ADVANCED LEARNING was awarded to Tara Maltman-Just, B.Sc.(Pharm) ABAAHP FAARFM for her ground-breaking health practice focused on "treating the person, not just the disease".
Presented at the Ritz Carlton Toronto
Sandra's Story:
Overcoming Arthritis
Success with Strategies that make Sense
Harriet's Story:
Thyroid Issues & Healing Hashimoto's
"Normal" Labs do NOT always mean Optimal Function
Anne & Troy's Story:
Autism & Digestion
The Gut-Immune-Brain Connection
Ashley's Story:
Treating the Person, not the disease
Deb's Story:
Adrenal Dysfunction &
Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy
Treating the Root Causes, not just masking symptoms.
All information included in this website is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended or suited to be a substitute for personalized advice from a qualified healthcare professional. This information should not be used to initiate any changes in medication, supplement, nutrition, lifestyle program or other treatment without supervised professional care.
Copyright 2013 vitalityintegrativemedicine.com. Updated 2023. All rights reserved.